Robin G. Black CPA | |  (828) 492-0599 |  (828) 492-1126 | M - Thursday 8 - 4 | Friday 8 - 12 | Other Times by Appointment


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Audit & Review


Audit Services – An audit provides the highest level of assurance a CPA can provide. The purpose of having an audit is to provide financial statement users with an opinion by the auditor on whether the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the proper financial reporting framework. An audit enhances the degree of confidence that intended users, such as lender, investors, grant makers, or taxpayers can place in the financial statements. The auditor obtains reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, and whether the misstatements are from error or fraud.

Audits are required of certain entities like governments, required by certain funding sources like grants or loans, and requested by others at the discretion of the board. These services require significant time and are therefore the costliest of the Attest services. As an additional benefit, the auditor may become aware of some deficiencies in internal control or weaknesses in the organization’s systems and offer suggestions for improvement.

This firm focuses on government and non-profit organizations. With 17 years of prior experience in auditing a wide variety of nonprofits, ABC Stores, volunteer fire departments, public housing authorities, sanitation departments and sanitary districts, and small municipal governments including ad valorem taxes, water and sewer funds, capital project funds, parks and recreation departments, and federal and state grants.

The audit practice is limited to a specific number of clients so that each client receives the full attention and time they deserve. A one on one approach to audits is emphasized over an in-and-out rapid fire design. Clients are encouraged to consult throughout the year on any concerns or issues they may have. Costs are based on estimated hours at standard hourly rates and are established prior to work beginning on any service though engagement letters and or contracts. Any independence issues will be discussed thoroughly prior to submission of any audit service proposal.

Clients needing audit services are encouraged to send in bid requests and RFPs in order to receive a formal or informal proposal. Appointments are encouraged so that a face to face relationship can be created at the onset of the working partnership between auditor and client. Current clients include non-profits, Boards of Alcohol Control, and non-profits. References can be provided upon request.

Review Services – A Review provides less assurance than an audit but more than a Compilation. A review can often be performed instead of an audit if no formal audit requirements are in place. During a Review the accountant obtains limited assurance that there are no material modifications that need to be made to an entity’s financial statements for them to be in conformity with the applicable financial reporting framework. A review does not require the accountant to obtain an understanding of internal control or to assess fraud risk, or other types of audit procedures. Since the time required to perform a Review is significantly less than an audit it is less costly.

Costs are based on estimated hours at standard hourly rates and are established prior to work beginning on any service though engagement letters and or contracts. Any independence issues will be discussed thoroughly prior to submission of any audit service proposal.

Compilation Services – In a compilation engagement, the objective is to assist management in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without undertaking to provide any assurance that are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements so they will conform to the acceptable financial reporting framework Because of the limited scope of compilation procedures, the CPA’s report will not express an opinion or provide any assurance regarding the financial statements. While independence is required at the other levels of service the CPA does not have to be independent of your organization to perform a compilation. However, the report must state that the accountant is not independent. Further options are disclosures or footnotes may or may not be included.

This type of service requires minimal time and is the less costly of the services. Costs are based on estimated hours at standard hourly rates and are established prior to work beginning on any service though engagement letters and or contracts.


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Tax Services


For Profit

Tax Preparation and Planning – Corporate, Partnership and Individual services, Subchapter “S” corporations, Partnership and LLC entities, Schedule “E” Rentals, Schedule “F” Farms, and Schedule “C” Sole Proprietors. Costs are based on estimated hours at standard hourly rates and start at $125 for a basic individual return and $250 for a very basic corporation or partnership return.  

Independence is not required of a CPA to perform tax services and are prepared based on client provided information. This information will not be audited or verified for accuracy. Questions may be asked to clarify some items or to make sure no important information is overlooked.

The law imposes penalties when taxpayers underestimate their tax liability, and clients are strongly encouraged to seek advice when these concerns arise. Instances where conflicts in the interpretation of tax law or instances of unclear tax law will be explained and discussed with the tax client on an as need basis.

E-File is required for all tax returns that are eligible to be e-filed. In lieu of rapid refund services direct deposit of refunds into specific accounts is available upon request.


Federal Form 990 preparation. For audited organizations a copy of the audit report is required in order to prepare the 990.


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Business Accounting


Small Business services including full service accounting and tax preparation – Payroll and Sales Tax processing, QuickBooks assistance, on-site accounting, interim finance officer, or other financial management services.

Business entity selection as well as set up services that do not require legal expertise are provided.

Business closure and disposition services are available upon request.


Financial Statement Preparation

Services include preparation of audited financial statements from information provided by auditee and auditor.


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Financial Statement Preparation

Services include preparation of audited financial statements from information provided by auditee and auditor.

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Please feel free to fill out the form below with any questions and we will try to do our best to answer them. |  (828) 492-0599 |  (828) 492-1126